The Bucket List 2015

The Bucket List For 2015 


1. Number one on my bucket list is definitely to grow my hair past my shoulders. I’ve been trying to for years but this year is the first time I think it’s achievable. I’ve stopped dying my hair completely for the first time in fooooevs.

2. Two would be to learn a new skill, I’m thinking yoga/a new language/something practical . The worlds my oyster! 

3. Travel. Travel. Travel.

4. Do one new thing every week. Whether it be reading a new book, going somewhere new or getting my nails done a new colour. Whatevsss.

5. I really really want to go visit Italy this year. Rome possibly!

6. Sort my career goals out…please god let me achieve this.

7. Blog every day, creative juices at the ready.

8. Be active, be healthy, be fit. 

9. Get a summer beach body. This will honestly be the hardest haha

10. Buy a pet of some distinction 

11. Be more spiritual, Id love to learn reki also

12. Be happier.

13. Go for a walk most evenings

14. Learn to drive.

15. Read more. 

And they are my 15 resolutions for 2015. 

Let me know if you have any, or if anything is similar to mine. I’d love to hear from you all.