The Bucket List 2015

The Bucket List For 2015 


1. Number one on my bucket list is definitely to grow my hair past my shoulders. I’ve been trying to for years but this year is the first time I think it’s achievable. I’ve stopped dying my hair completely for the first time in fooooevs.

2. Two would be to learn a new skill, I’m thinking yoga/a new language/something practical . The worlds my oyster! 

3. Travel. Travel. Travel.

4. Do one new thing every week. Whether it be reading a new book, going somewhere new or getting my nails done a new colour. Whatevsss.

5. I really really want to go visit Italy this year. Rome possibly!

6. Sort my career goals out…please god let me achieve this.

7. Blog every day, creative juices at the ready.

8. Be active, be healthy, be fit. 

9. Get a summer beach body. This will honestly be the hardest haha

10. Buy a pet of some distinction 

11. Be more spiritual, Id love to learn reki also

12. Be happier.

13. Go for a walk most evenings

14. Learn to drive.

15. Read more. 

And they are my 15 resolutions for 2015. 

Let me know if you have any, or if anything is similar to mine. I’d love to hear from you all.



Life Update




I thought it was time for a little life update as so much has changed over the past few months. For one I’m no longer living at home, I’m living with my super amazing boyfriend and his wonderful family. I’m loving every single minute of it ! My own family have moved to another county and are set to move country to France now in March 2015. I wish them all the luck in the world despite our differences. I’m now on speaking terms with them after the thunder storm of a year that was 2014. Thank god for little blessings.

At the moment i’m working part-time in a local shop in my teeny tiny town. I’m continuing to search for my ideal career goal, but for now i’m having fun with blogging and I couldn’t be happier.On the makeup artistry front i’m continuing to work professionally, however for me its not the be all and end all of what I want to be successful in. Sure its a crazy fun occupation but to be honest its not enough for me. I want to succeed in numerous avenues and so I’m keeping my eyes peeled for my next big adventure. 

My love life and personal life is great. I adore living with my boyfriend. Hes the best thing that has happened to me and the kindest soul I’ve ever met. Bar his mother of course 😉 My friends are all fabulous as usual and all achieving and succeeding in there chosen avenues. Yay girl power!

I’ve got very into Angel readings and learning about guardian angels in general over the last while. Its so interesting I cant tell you how much I’m loving it. Hopefully it will bring me to some great places in the future. I would love to discover more about it along with energy in crystals as soon as I can. That’s definitely one of my goals for 2015. 

My baby aka my bichon freise is continuing to be the cheeky monkey he always is, no changes there then.

Overall i’m loving life at the minute and this crazy world we live in.