Double Chocolate Nutella Cookies ❤️

Hey guys! 

Hope your Tuesday is going great. So yesterday I had a massive and I mean MASSIVE Nutella craving … God have mercy.

I took to the net to find some kind of Nutella containing recipe and found one that looked perfect! It’s literally the easiest receive I’ve ever followed and the cookies turned out perfect first time round.

So for this recipe I used :

  1. 1 large egg
  2. 1 cup of plain flour
  3. 1 big jar of Nutella 

First of all I set the oven to 180C.

I then lined two baking trays with grease proof paper.

Then I got a large bowl, I mixed one egg and the Nutella together. It can all get a bit sticky but just STICK with it, haha no pun intended.

I then added the flour and mixed it all together really well.

I then took one baby spoon of the ready mixture and placed it in my hand, I rolled this into a small ball and then flattened the mixture out.

Next I set this on the baking pan and added a small spoon of Nutella to the centre of the cookie. 

I then repeated the step of rolling the mixture into a small ball and flattening out. I set this second cookie over the top of the drop of Nutella and cookie. This formed a double cookie with gooey centre. 

Repeat these steps to make multiple cookies. This mixture should make 16-18 cookies. 

Cook in the oven for 6 minutes. 

And voila perfect double chocolate Nutella cookies with a gooey centre. Serve with ice cream while still hot for extra deliciousness. Yummy..

Let me know if any of you out there try this receive, I’d love to see pictures too. 🙂