Im A Genie In A Bottle

Dont quite know how the title of this post relates in anyway to what the content actually is… but how and ever ! haha

So I thought id share with you an extremely long-overdue post , my travels to ‘The Land Of The Kiwis’ or most commonly known as New Zealand.I left on my journey to this amazing beautiful Island in 2011 and had the privilege of seeing some of the worlds most beautiful sights.


I stayed with a family member for the first part of my travels in Auckland. He lived in the suburbs as they call it out there and it literally resembled something out of ‘Neighbours’. It was so sunny, so colorful and so bright! Being from Ireland (where the sun is a rare great uncle you see once a year drunk at a family wedding) you would automatically be weary of yourself in a place like this, almost expecting some type of serial killing clown to pop out and tell you your really in some sort of twisted evil fun-house! Or maybe thats just my opinion haha… Anyway, Auckland is wonderful, by far it was my favorite of the other citys I visited on this Island. Auckland demonstrates four seasons every day, with the weather changing from roasting, to drizzle-rain, on to cold and finally mediocre wind storms. This is all before 12 noon by the way. Crazy crazy.

The city itself is amaazing, its massive.Theres endless things to do and see. However as Prostitiution is aloweed in New Zealand you would frequently see night walkers on the sides of the streets, which for me put a dampner on the whole city life aspect. A lot of Asians go to New Zealand, particularly Auckland so there are streets you can walk down where you will feel like your in some kind of retro music video with the Asians amazing animé style of fashion. 

There are numerous places to eat out as well, youll never be stuck for lovely food. The beaches in Auckland, although very crowded at times are beautiful. Well worth braving the traffic and crowds!


The next destination I went to was Wellington, I didnt see much beauty in it although im sure theres plenty. It was raining the whole time I stayed and the city is very buisness oriantated with massive skyscrapping office block buildings. 


I then moved onto the South Island. I drove through many of the towns and villages on my way to where I needed to go.Here I stayed in Queensland it is honestly the most beautiful place I have ever seen. It is so tourist oriantated and very expensive but it is just gorgeous. If I could have lived anywhere it would have been there.

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Next I went to live in Alexandra Queenstown – 1hour away from the beautiful Queenstown. It was a modest place but I really hated it there. It was extremely isolated and lonely. I got the barron kind of feeling from the area.

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Finally I travelled to Duneden and Christchurch before making my way back to Auckland and then home. 

Duneden was lovely, its a more ‘normal’ city to what im used to. Its the students hub for universitys and studying. It was all green here with fields and fields of sheep. Christchurch had just recently been hit by an earthquake and most of the city was going through repairs as it was still quite damaged. So I didnt get many photos of the area. 

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And that was my experience of New Zealand. A beautiful vast country with mountains of variety! 

What are your thoughts?