New Years Resolutions 

Whether you are a believer in the whole ‘new year,new you ‘ motto, each and every one of us want to improve on our selfs in some way or another during the year. I for one always want to improve myself. It may be in the form of a new skill, a new hairstyle or on myself personally but I’ll always try to achieve this goal. So with all that said my New Years resolution is to stay happy, healthy and grow in confidence. A mammoth task ahead ,especially the healthy bit! No more late night pizza..ahhhh. 

A moment on the lips, a lifetime on those hips !!

I miss saturated fats and artificial sweeteners already.

……mmmm fish and chips…dreaming dreaming.

But in all seriousness goodbye shitty 2014 and hello brand new sparkly clean fresh slatted 2015! 2014 was the worst year I’ve ever had personally but I ended up opening up a brand new future for myself living with my new/real family and enjoying every minute of it. Like they always say you can choose your friends but not your family! I plan on accomplishing my goals through a number of ways. First of the healthy lifestyle, I’ve signed up to a nutrition plan and exercise regim with the body coach over at #LeanIn2015 on Instagram. Check him out he’s amazing! Then the confidence will come from myself. I’ve started repeating confidence boosting statements to myself every morning. A favourite of mine is ‘believe and you will achieve’. I also repeatedly tell myself I’m a strong person when times get tough. As for the happy part of my resolution I plan on sticking to the goal of doing at least one thing each week that makes me truly happy and making the most of each day. Trying to see the happy things that occur each day. 

Whether you believe in New Years resolutions or not, a new year opens up the possibility of looking to the future, embracing the positive and forgetting the past. Life’s what you make it. Let’s stop waiting for our life’s to happen, waiting for dreams to come true and holding on to the thoughts of ‘what if?’ . Life is in the now. The only way to creating a successful future is creating a successful you. 

So come on 2015, come at me. This year I promise to make you an amazing one.

What are your thoughts?